We are a habitat solutions company specializing in high-quality mast producing trees for hunting success. Flatwood Natives provides everything the landowner needs to properly install tree plots that will thrive and provide long-term food sources that wildlife crave. We have the education and experience in growing high-quality trees. We have over 10 years of habitat work in the field of reclamation. We have grown and planted millions of trees for some of the largest landowners in the nation. Our knowledge of what works in harsh environments gives us the edge over all other nurseries. We have taken our experience providing a hardier tree and coupled it with our passion for wildlife and the outdoors. Flatwood Natives offers both hard and soft mast species for your wildlife. Our trees are hardier, withstand transplant shock better and we use proven planting methods that give your tree every chance to survive. Flatwood Natives nursery, located in central Florida, is owned and operated by 5th generation Floridians with over 30 years combined experience.
We understand and appreciate what it takes to turn a property into a high-quality habitat. At Flatwood Natives, we want to help you take the next step in adding tree plots that can provide a perennial source of nutrients to your management arsenal. We want to be your “go-to” source for trees when it comes to planting long-term food sources for wildlife. Flatwood Natives offers a variety of packages that cater to specific conditions, or we can leave it to you to choose what’s best for your properties. For more information regarding our tree plot packages and the other products we offer, feel free to give us a call or check out our selection under “trees” section of our website.